The new power rates of our data centers in the Amsterdam region have been announced.
The prices applicable from 1 January 2023 are € 0.32 per kWh at colocations Digital Realty Business Park (Amsterdam) & Digital Realty Science Park (Amsterdam) and € 0.35 per kWh at colocation NorthC Fokker Logistics Park (Oude Meer). These new rates will apply for the entire new calendar year.
Only special market developments will possibly warrant deviation from this. Should this occur, we will notify you well in advance.
As previously announced, exceptional market conditions have forced our partners, and therefore DC1.AMSTERDAM, to increase power rates in 2023. We can still use the current, lower rates through the end of 2022. Incidentally, our upcoming rates also compare favorably with those of others in this market.
No indexation
The current, expiring power rate at both of our colocations in Amsterdam is 16 cents per kWh. The current power rate at our newest colocation in Oude Meer is 24 cents per kWh. From 1 January 2023, as mentioned, new prices of € 0.32 and € 0.35 per kWh respectively will apply to our colocation data centers.
We will not index the fixed costs for racks, PDUs and internet connectivity.
We will also not index the fixed costs for colocation per rack unit (shared colocation). Only the price portion for included power consumption will be adjusted based on the new power rates starting on 1 January 2023.
It goes without saying for DC1.AMSTERDAM that we will inform you about all relevant developments in a timely and transparent manner. Especially around energy prices at this time of powerful increases due to a series of global events. Good to know: even with potential future reductions, we follow the power rates of our data center partners.
VAT on energy temporarily down
The VAT reduction on energy to 9% as of 1 July last, we retroactively corrected for that portion of our colocation services where power costs are always charged based on consumption. The reduction in the VAT rate runs until 31 December 2022.
If you have any questions about the new power rates as of 1 January 2023, please feel free to contact us.